Retired, but for some reason now busier than ever! I have been obsessed with organizing and clearing out things I don't have time to use... and I keep talking about it! The problem is I also find things I forgot about, which then leads to another project. How many different projects do I have going? Well, follow this blog and see.
Monday, December 16, 2013
I was just about to sell mine and one night I was watching YouTube and literally stumbled upon a site from scrollsaw workshops and found myself watching four hours of instruction. Hey, I have enough wood filler and glue to do this, I say to myself.
So, I am learning. Lord knows I have enough wood that I hung onto from my laser engraving. I went through all my storage bins and found lots and lots of material. I will get back to you with photos as soon as I can. And so far I have only broken two blades!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Albums and journals
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
I moved
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Lately my studio time has focused on utilizing my collage stash to create backgrounds for large paintings which I can work on later, using molding paste and wood and chipboard pieces I have saved for "future" paintings. To get them attached to canvas and out of boxes has been the goal. I find that if these items and ephemera are packed away, I forget they exist.
My most recent projects have been making jewelry pieces from polymer clay. I have learned a lot about the medium and just like other things I create, I continue to learn and progress by actually doing the projects. Things can be reworked, repainted, and I have lots of plans. My favorite finish is the rust look and metal patinas, and it rarely looks like polymer clay when the pieces are finished. I love to make large and unusual beads.
I will put some of the de-stash supplies on Etsy or eBay when I get back to my studio.
While I am out of town I am using my camera a lot and want to spend more time develooing my Pinterest and Instagram collections. Watch this space!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Polymer clay? Why not!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
My Review of Raffiné ArtSketch Super Deluxe Sketchbooks and Sheets
Originally submitted at Jerry's Artarama Art Supplies
By far the best sketchbooks ever designed for fine artists! Raffiné ArtSketch Super Deluxe Sketchbooks and Sheets were created for artists who appreciate the feel, texture and easy working characteristics of professional, multi-media paper. Raffiné is expertly crafted with double black wire binding...
My all-time favorite journal paper
Pros: Heavy, Easy To Use, No Bleed-through
Cons: Economical In Large Sizes
Best Uses: Art, Art Journals, Mixed Media Paintings, Scrapbooking/Cardmaking
Describe Yourself: Value Oriented
Primary use: Personal
Was this a gift?: No
My first experience was with the Raffine sketchbooks. I decided to buy the packages of large sheets because I like to bind my own art journals. In the process I discovered it is great for use as a substrate for watercolor or acrylic paintings in larger sizes. You can fold, then wet the fold and easily tear the size you need. It does need to be stored flat, like all art papers.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Now you can buy prints of my work...
I have completed about a dozen new paintings so far this year, in addition to working on art journals. I am beginning to participate in what is called "Project Life" starting next week, which involves posting something -- an Instagram photo, or detritus from the day, in addition to journaling about EVERY DAY of your life, no matter how short the note. I will see if I can keep it up. Heck, my 94-year-old father writes in his "diary" a sentence or two every night, so if he can, surely I can.
I continue to participate in swaps whenever I can, and continually learn from YouTube, which has to be the greatest invention since the Internet itself. How to use papier mache? It's there. How to use expandable paint? It's there. (You have to heat the back side. I just thought it would expand by itself and waited and waited and waited.....)
And all my new paintings have the new glaze techniques I learned from Chris Comer's wonderful book. It really has given my paintings the finished look I have been seeking. There's no such thing as a self-taught artist. We learn from others. My first teacher was my neighbor, Laurie Svec, and I have learned from Joseph Melancon and Bob Burridge and Cheryl McClure and Nita Leland... monkey see, monkey do. That's it.
I cut my own stencils on my Pazzles with the MakeTheCut software that I am always touting, then I am free to stamp or spray patterns willy-nilly.
It would have been so nice to have known when I was a child that I was a "visual" learner. Better late than never, I say!
Monday, April 8, 2013
My Review of Raphaël Mixacryl Oil and Acrylic Brushes
Originally submitted at Jerry's Artarama Art Supplies
Combining the strength and retention of a natural bristle with the spring and durability of synthetic fibers. The inclusion of synthetic fibers is perfect for impastos and relief effects with the color retention you expect from natural bristles. The interlocked assembly is perfect for heavy body ac...
My favorites! Super for glazes.
Pros: Glides Smoothly
Best Uses: Acrylic Glazes
Describe Yourself: Artist
Primary use: Personal
Was this a gift?: No
Since I received these brushes, I haven't wanted to use anything else! For the perfect glazes, or blending adjacent colors, these brushes are perfect. I would have preferred short handles, just my preference, but these are certainly one of my favorite studio products.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
I have been painting up a storm in the past week, using glaze techniques and new skills developed recently, through the wonderful book I found by Chris Cozen, Acrylic Solutions. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear, or something like that.
Anyway, today I had planned to have a studio cleanup and reorganization, which HAS to happen after each marathon painting session. But I keep picking up something and remembering what I meant to do with it, and wanting to do that right now! So I have about ten projects right in front of me that I really want to work on NOW! I definitely need an assistant.
I made some bowls with newspaper strips (learned it on YouTube) that I would like to paint. I have more newspaper strips that I want to collage as a background for a grungy painting with corrugated cardboard and some great metal pieces I have. And rusty paint effects.
And on top of that, my favorite software, Make-The-Cut keeps sending free updates... it's now up to Version 4.6, so each time that happens I want to stop and try that out with my Pazzles, where I cut stencils and masks for my paintings from drawings I have done.
AND some supplies I ordered some time ago showed up yesterday, so I am itching to try them out. But I don't want to stop my organizing and like dessert, I am trying to save the fun stuff for after the work is done. But boy, I'm losing track of all the neat things I really want to do, so maybe I'll pile them all in a box. Which I won't be able to find later. (Seems like I spend an inordinate amount of time looking for stuff.) So I guess I'll make a list at the same time.
I was sure I had some self-leveling gel and got all set up to use that, then discovered there isn't any. That I can find, I should say. I am in dire need of an inventory, ergo, needing an assistant.
And yesterday I got the catalog from Discount School Supply, and really got jazzed over some products that are so much cheaper than buying similar items elsewhere. Should I buy a bunch and put them on my website for sale? Uh... no. I really am trying to get away from retail and concentrate on painting. But I have to remind myself of that. Maybe I should make a sign for myself and hang it above the computer. No more inventory until we get a chance to assess what's here.
So, back to work.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
I'm painting this week
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Canvas Corp Mini Gift Bags - White [1646]

Sunday, March 3, 2013
March is here already

Saturday, January 12, 2013
My Review of Canson Art Boards
Originally submitted at Jerry's Artarama Art Supplies
Beautiful Papers that Stand Alone - Now the papers that inspire artists' work can support it, too. Canson® Art Boards feature a range of best-selling Canson and Arches® papers on rigid, archival backing. Enhanced Performance - Canson Art Boards provide artists the benefits of a stiff, strong wo...
This is my new best friend
Pros: Beautiful, Easy To Use
Cons: Economical
Best Uses: Art, Watercolor Pencil Surface
Describe Yourself: Quality Oriented
Was this a gift?: No
This product is my favorite (for now) of anything I have ever used for watercolor drawing and painting. I have several other papers and this one is by far the most exciting and easy to use. It is absorbent, so watercolor dries quickly. It doesn't allow for a lot of scrubbing and reworking, however, so be aware of that. The price is really good on this product, particularly if you are selling your art.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
It's Tuesday, I think.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Late night drawing
Statistics inform me I have another 18 years to live so maybe I have time to improve.