Things I like

Sunday, January 17, 2016

So much to play with, so little time.... random thoughts

As I re-re-organize after completing a major project, I always find things I forgot I had.
Not as messy as it looks!

I found a big stock of white tissue paper that I've probably had for a long time, and decided to cover all those little boxes I saved from Christmas.  Each time someone got a small technology gift or something else with a clever box, I grabbed it and so this week was the time to either cover them, paint them, or toss them.

I decided to spray paint the tissue paper until it was soggy, then let it dry overnight.  I cut or ripped it up into pieces and using ModPodge, covered all the little boxes I could find.  For now, I just have them stacked around the studio (space is still at a premium) until I decide to use them as containers.

Even with labels, I have trouble finding things that are not in clear containers, so I'm not sure yet how I will use them.  Some will hold finished greeting cards, some will be shipped off with craft packs I am making up, and some will stay around just for decoration.

While I was on my ModPodging projects, I covered a cheap wood frame that I had bought years ago for a future project, so that I could display the photo of my little doggies, both of whom passed away from old age within the last several years.  They were my studio companions for a long time and just recently I decided to get another little friend and adopted a Mini-Aussie rescue, a 7-year-old female named Lady.  She is what is called a "velcro-dog" so she stays with me every minute.  I need that.  It gives me someone to talk to besides myself as I work.
Lady, my Mini-Aussie

Friday, January 8, 2016

Four Free Parchment Craft Patterns for Beginners

At I have uploaded a pdf of a few simple designs for beginners (like me.)

Since I discovered this craft last spring, I started the web store with minimal inventory, and I think the beginner kits are the very best thing going.  I've just ordered more, because I really would like to see more US parchers (which is what we are called in the UK.)  Most of the templates are sized a bit differently than we American cardmakers use, but you can easily make your own envelopes to fit.
Or, as I have done, adapt the size to A2.

I carry only PCA materials, and can order anything to add to someone's order or to my inventory if it becomes a popular item.  I'm not looking to stock a warehouse, just enough to get us all supplied with the necessities.

This beginner kit teaches you how to use templates, as well as parchment
 and the basic small embossing tool.  

Like other mixed media enthusiasts, I already had a few embossing tools for metal or clay, and I find those work too.  (You have to start with something!)  But as I follow the parchment artists from around the world, I am amazed at what they can do with the proper tools.  So, I do have a few shaped perforating tools and different sizes of the embossing tools as well.

Please tell all the papercrafters and cardmakers you know in the US to join me in learning this new craft.  It is really gorgeous.  Visit what I have at and let me know what you think.